Emergency Relief
Emergency relief is available for eligible residents in the Sutherland Shire experiencing crisis. Assistance is through Wesley Mission and by appointment only at our Sutherland office by calling 1300 827 638. Alternatively you can phone Salvo’s on 8775 7988 or St. Vincent de Paul on 9542 4924.
Food Hampers

Food Hampers
Food hampers available for residents of the Sutherland Shire who are in need of urgent food assistance. Please phone us on 95218280 to see if you are eligible for assistance.
Financial Assistance
For financial assistance or food vouchers, please click here https://www.wesleymission.org.au/about-us/what-we-do/helping-people-most-in-need/housing-and-accommodation/wesley-emergency-relief/ to visit Wesley Mission.
Or here https://www.salvationarmy.org.au/need-help/financial-assistance/ to visit Salvation Army. If you need help to access to these services to apply for financial relief, please contact us for an appointment. By appointment only 02 9521 8280.

For financial assistance or food vouchers, please click here to visit Wesley Mission or phone 1300 827 638.

Sydney Water Bills
For assistance with your Sydney Water Bill please contact Sydney water weekdays and ask to speak to their Customer Care team.
EAPA (Energy Accounts Payment Assistance)

EAPA (Energy Accounts Payment Assistance)
EAPA (Energy Accounts Payment Assistance) for Electricity and Gas bills. Assessment and appointments are on behalf of NSW Government Planning & Environment. You can now apply for EAPA through Services NSW. You can access via this link.